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New Ways To Learn


4. Lifelong learning

In our view the new process is particularly relevant to the concept of lifelong learning. The successful cases we have observed challenge the classroom as the heart of learning, and create a new learning experience which does not depend on bricks and mortar.

@thene project casestudyThis is important for developing students' motivation, and the ability to continue learning beyond the years of formal schooling. It is key to creating a model of lifelong learning that is economically viable, and will not require acres of new classrooms together with the resources to staff and operate them. It can also reach groups of students who would find it very difficult to participate in conventional education.

Although schools and higher education have so far been the centres of development in educational IT, we judge that adult further education will become the global spearhead for developing the process we have described. There is some evidence that this is already happening. In the US especially, this form of learning is being widely used for career development, particularly in technology-based industries.

Learning trajectories

As the figure shows, the lifelong learners we have interviewed have career trajectories which are far from smooth. We suspect that more and more this will become the norm, with even high achievers finding that the traditional view of learning and career development, as a ladder leading to a stable social and economic position, is far too simple. The modern world not only has snakes as well as ladders: from time to time the game itself dissolves and re-forms with new rules.

The Trajectory of a Lifelong Learner

Learning trajectories

Innovation in learning

Lifelong learning is where the need is growing most rapidly, where the largest gap exists between current provision and real need, and where there is the best match between requirements and what the new process can provide. This is a powerful spur to innovation. Some - but not all - areas of lifelong learning also have high market potential.

Case study: FE is the Cinderella at the resources ballFE has for many years been seen as the Cinderella at the resource ball. To address the real problems of lifelong learning - and the social and economic issues which underly them - this picture needs to change.


©1999 Mediation Technology

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